11th March 2021

Uncle Mikey, it hurts to think that you are no longer with with us. You were an inspiration and role model. The ideal black man. You showed me that in this world it is possible to have it all love from family, business, career and friendships . Your work ethic and ambition was unrivalled and things you have shown and advice you have taught me I will never be forgotten . The love I have in my heart for you cannot be express in words. I was always proud to say to people who knew you , “ You know Mikey, yeah that’s my Uncle”. Yes my Uncle, my source of pride, the one who took me out to my first rave, the Uncle that made sure I was okay when I went to weekenders, the uncle who was a talented electrician, a man who was like no other and of many talents. I feel blessed to have known and be related to you. You and Aunty Jacky gave me cousins that I love like brothers and sisters. I thank you so much for them. God bless you and I pray that you are with Granddad, Grandma and Salice enjoying yourself in heaven. Love Melanie.